Argho Banerjee & Srijita Banerjee

Posted By:: Argho Banerjee On: 16 April, 2024

Hi Good Evening 

I remember that evening When I was there in their residence to saw SRIJITA with my parent, SRIJITA was looking very beautiful & nice in a pink saree & she was very soft spoken . After very long talk among our parent the result was there that they fix our date of Marriage & we got engaged . Actually listing from a friend I enlisted my name in the portal of CMR WEDDINGS once in the month of NOVEMBER 2023 . After that in a very sort interval I got many more matches according  to my profile in portal of CMR Weddings ( ) I came to know about SRIJIT's profile from this portal & informed to my parent & the NOVEL of my life started from here . Any way in a very beautiful evening of JANUARY 2024 I got marinade with SRIJITA  & I got SRIJITA as my life as my Wife . I found my love from the portal of CMR Weddings so my & our all thanks goes to CMR Weddings to help us for searching a beautiful life partner .  CMR Weddings best wedding matrimony in West Bengal.